机关申请;申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正; 申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当 当场或者在五日内一次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容,逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理;申请事项 属于本行政机关职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合 法定形式,或者申请人按照本行政机关的要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。
ew center, the State Food and Drug Administration makes a decision to register or not to register within 30 days. If it fails to register, it shall explain the reasons in writing. (IV) Service: Within 10 days from the date of making the administrative license decision, the SFDA Administrative Acceptance Service Center shall serve the administrative license decision to the applicant. 1. Time limit of commitment: the administrative license decision shall be made within 90 days from the date of acceptance.